Pioneers of
Portable IORT

IntraOp is the pioneer in portable electron-based Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT). IntraOp’s compact and mobile linear accelerators enable oncologists to deliver effective, precise, and affordable radiation therapy at the point of care.

Electron IORT

Mobetron has transformed cancer treatment by bringing electrons into the operating room to deliver ablative doses of radiotherapy during surgery.

Combining speed and precision within a compact form factor, the Mobetron delivers therapeutic energies previously relegated to expensive, large format LINACs.

Mobetron is self-shielded, effective, efficient, and affordable.

The Mobetron platform provides the competitive advantage hospitals seek by delivering optimal care for their patients and paving a faster path to new clinical research—unlocking better treatment options for the future.

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Hospital-Grade Treatment for Skin Cancer.

Mohs surgery has long provided the traditional path to effective treatment for skin cancer. Yet for many patients, surgery may not be most desirable due to medical contraindications, their active lifestyle, and/or potential cosmetic concerns. For those patients, there is now a convenient, non-invasive option: electron therapy for dermatology from IntraOp.

Due to the high costs and complexity of full-scale, megavoltage linear accelerators (LINACs), patient accessibility to electron-beam therapy was limited, at best. Until now. As the proven pioneer in electron (particle) therapy, IntraOp overcame this barrier by leveraging its proprietary x-band technology. This innovative approach minimizes the cost of particle therapy with electrons, reduces the device footprint, and augments the dermatologist’s existing practice workflow. In other words, it’s designed specifically for the dermatology clinic. With this, IntraOp unlocks the promise of non-invasive electron therapy for skin cancer. And we bring it closer to home. Patients can enjoy the many benefits of hospital-grade treatment in the convenience of their local clinic.

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Mobetron is the first to offer ultra-high dose rate electron therapy for preclinical and investigational studies of FLASH radiotherapy on an established clinical radiotherapy platform. IntraOp’s advanced technology ushers in a new paradigm for cancer treatment by providing researchers an approach not possible before: Precision treatment in microseconds.

The advent of image-guidance significantly improved the precision of radiation therapy and advancements since continue to incrementally raise the efficacy of cancer treatment. However, the underlying theories and technologies have remained somewhat static for decades. To this point, radiation oncologists have only been able to control two key variables for improving treatment: fractionation and volume optimization.

Breakthrough research from the CHUV, Lausanne-Switzerland introduces a third dimension, the “FLASH Effect”, for optimizing care based on new concepts in radiochemistry and radiobiology with the potential to revolutionise radiotherapy by making it safer and more effective.

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755-00048 Rev B_Mobetron_Brochure-Digital

IntraOp Mobetron

IORT1003 Rev. G Mobetron Production Specification, English Version

IntraOp Mobetron
Production Specification


IntraOp Mobetron
Data Sheet-QN.r01.3